

"Creole languages arose as a direct result of European colonial expansion. Between 1500 and 1900, there came into existence, on tropical islands and isolated sections of tropical littorals,... which consisted of a ruling minority from some European nation and a large mass of (mainly non-European) laborers, drawn in most cases from many different language groups... [I]t is generally assumed... that speakers of different languages at first evolved some form of auxiliary contact-language, native to none of them (known as pidgin), and that this language, suitably expanded, eventually became the native (or creole) language of the community which exists today.1"

 ビッカートンが研究したピジンからクレオールに至る過程は言語の進化であるが、現代シンガポール人はピジンで話していたと思われる祖先から何世代も経ているにも関わらず、未だにしてクレオールの要素を残している。 英語を中国語の規則で運用しようとする姿勢は、「ブラック・イングリッシュ」の研究者であるジョン・マクホーターが言うように、

"... words from one language and structure from others – in other words, creole languages2"


"... creoles, far from being 'primitive'..., give us access to the essential bedrock on which our humanity is founded; their re-creation... represents a triumph of the human spirit.3"






1 Bickerton, Derek., Roots of Language (Language Science Press, 2016) p.5


2 McWhorter, John,, Word on the Street: Debunking the Myth of a Pure Standard English (Basic Books, 1998) p.41

3 Ibid. 1, p.258