Temple University Japan | 小林至オフィシャルブログ「小林至のヨノナカ考」Powered by Ameba

小林至オフィシャルブログ「小林至のヨノナカ考」Powered by Ameba

小林至オフィシャルブログ「小林至のヨノナカ考」Powered by Ameba

It's this time of the year again! My course, Economics of Sports, at Temple University Japan will begin in a few hours for the Spring semester. As Covid-19 cases are rising, I will be teaching online throughout the semester. 

As I prepare for the course, I come to realize that I am certainly getting old. Switching my brain system from Japanese to English definitely takes far more time now than before. The course runs through April for 24 times.

今年も、客員教授を務めているテンプル大学での講義、Economics of Sportsがはじまります。ただいま、本日の講義に向けて準備中ですが、頭を英語モードに切り替えるのにかかる時間は若い頃より遅く、こういうときに年齢を感じますなあ。4月中旬まで全24回。