Tony Abbott (トニー・アボット)ってご存知ですか?政治家で、第28代オーストラリア連邦首相(2013~2015年)でした。首相任期中はいろいろと批判を浴びました。オージーいわく「彼は馬鹿だ」という人も結構います。昨年の選挙で落選して現在は議員ではありません。そのアボットですが、いまボランティアとしてbushfireの消火活動を手伝っている様です。


Pub owners shared a photo of 'good friend' Mr Abbott on social media, thanking him for his efforts on the fire ground. Tony was on the fire ground all day, here in Adaminaby. Thank you mate! 



Resch's refreshes! Former PM Tony Abbott pours himself a cool schooner after a long day battling blazes on the fire front




Mr Abbott has been dedicating his time to fighting bushfires across the state. Mr Abbott has been commended in the media for his efforts, but the modest politician appeared to shrug off the attention when approached by a Today Show reporter. When asked if he was there to lend a helping hand, he replied: 'Nah, nah, just along with 70,000 volunteers that's all.'  


commend = 称賛する、ほめる

shrug off the attention = 無視する、軽くあしらう

lend a helping hand = 手を貸す





Australians have heaped praised on Mr Abbott for his efforts to fight fires, while Scott Morrison has been heavily criticised for his handling of the crisis.

heap praise on ~ = ~をほめる 


