Ko-kuchan is studying sociology. Though I was about to drop out the course, I somehow try to continue it because of my daily schedule change which has been caused by the lockdown. I was about to quit the cause, so I have not done any asingnment and I am not in studing mood at all. However, my teacher gave me an exention of the assignment's due date, so I have been thinking about a big assignment which needs five pages. Yes, I have been thinking and sufferd from the thought. Then, I guess I am escaping from studing and writing my blog instead あせるIt is interesting to learn the sociologiucal perspectives on aging because cultures are different between Canada and Japan. Culture in Canada is more individualist, whereas Japanese calture is collectivist.  The content of the text book analizes Canadian's perspective on aging precicely.

Well, I guess it is better to start to work on the assignment now. えーんえーんえーんえーんえーんえーんえーん


Have a good day ニコニコ