Wow!! The first six weeks have flown by with incredible speed. The little alien that came out on August 2nd has been growing steadily and healthily. It is amazing what a few short weeks can do for growth. Kiefer is a wonderful little boy and always fun to be around even when he cries. Though our time together is not as great as I would like due to my work schedule, I try to be an influence in his life and make him happy. Being a father and not having had a great relationship with my own father due to his busy work and traveling, I am trying to be around Kiefer as much as posible and give him some of the emotional support that I found lacking in my own upbringing.

Our favorite activities together are plaiyng with small toys on his play mat, taking baths together and sleeping together on the sofa. Just last night, he fell asleep on my chest while I was watching TV. We have a lovely American made Berkline reclining sofa so it is easy to do.

I am excited about his growth and keep thinking abut the future and what he will be like. But I need to be careful not to miss the here and now while thinking about the future. Fatherhood is a wonderful adventure that has just begun for me. I hope to be a positve influence in my son's life and teach him many things.


