You would give anything in this world to see your baby smile because babies are perfect and they deserve nothing but love because they bring nothing but immense joy! But as the winter seeps in with the dry, harsh, and cold air it makes the already delicate skin of your baby drier and rough making them irritable and cranky. But don’t let the winter take a toll on your baby’s skin, you just have to stick to this blog to maintain the smile on your baby’s face and soft, nourished skin this winter. Apart from the Lotion For Dry Skin, there are several other tips and tricks to help your baby maintain a healthy skin barrier even in harsh winter.

Why does my baby’s skin get rough during winter?

Generally, babies have thinner, delicate, and sensitive skin which gets even more compromised due to low humidity in the air during winter. Additionally, the room/central heaters and blowers strip away the already scanty humidity from the air causing drier air. Along with it the woolen and polyester fabrics that are usually preferred during this season, lead to further skin irritation and dryness. Babies especially those with atopic dermatitis (a form of Eczema) have it tough during winter if their skin health isn’t well taken care of.


How do I keep my baby’s skin healthy during winter?

Don’t get overwhelmed, it’s just like curating a skincare routine for yourself and doing things a little differently but efficiently and easily.

Choose a syndet soap, harsh, scented, foamy soap usually strips away the natural oils from a baby’s skin making it dry and rough, creating grounds for further skin irritation. To choose the best baby soap among a thousand options look for syndet soaps with ingredients that have a soothing and moisturizing effect like ceramides, shea butter, milk proteins, and glycyrrhetinic acid that helps in developing a healthy skin barrier for your baby.

Ceramides are naturally present fat/lipids in the skin that maintain the skin barrier. Ceramide-based soaps prevent further drying and desquamation of skin during bath time.

Shea butter and milk proteins nurture the development of new skin and acid mantle.

Glycyrrhetinic acid manages and controls the growth of skin microbiome, inflammation, pruritus, and TEWL.

Also, pay additional attention to it being SLS-free, SLS has a detergent effect and is the base of conventional soaps. SLS-free soaps are often called non-soap bathing bars since they serve a similar purpose as soaps but better.

Bath emollients exponentially help with preventing dry skin and its complications, long baths usually strip away your baby’s natural skin oil, thus compromising the development of a healthy skin barrier which in turn can lead to further complications throughout life and make room for unwanted allergies like asthma and hay fever. It becomes significant to give your baby the utmost care in the first initial years of skin development. All of it could be easily prevented by investing in good science-backed, dermatologist-recommended emollients that are hydrophilic in nature. Hydrophilic emollients get dissolved in water easily, making sure that the water is transferred transepidermally via the emollient dissolved in your baby’s bath water.

Applying body lotion for dry skin while the skin is still damp is recommended right after the bath in order to keep the skin from any further transepidermal water loss. Going for a lotion that is developed in accordance with the skin’s natural lipid composition such as ceramides, cholesterol, and GLA can significantly help in preventing and intervening with conditions like dry skin and its possible complications like atopic dermatitis and in severe cases, onset of Eczema.

Gentle shampoo is essential since the head is susceptible too given the development of sebaceous glands takes place almost after the baby has reached their toddler years.


The babies in most cases develop a condition called Cradle cap too which might also be a breeding ground for yeast and several fungal infections. The onset of Cradle cap is usually thought to be because of excessive oil which isn’t truly the case. It is caused due to dryness and lack of ample hydration. The sensitive skin of your baby should be treated with gentle products composed of gentle ingredients like aquaxyl also keeping in consideration that it should be SLS-free to avoid any over-sweeping of natural oil and thus maintaining the healthy development of the skin barrier.

Avoiding too hot or cold water for bathing your baby should be avoided, bathing water should be lukewarm since too hot or too cold water could further cause dryness and make your baby irritable and uncomfortable, which I am sure no parent or caregiver would want to happen.

We tend to layer our baby with a multifold of clothes during winter mostly with woolen or polyester fabrics. Apart from the fact that they irritate your baby’s skin, they also further lead to drying it. It is advised to use the first layer of fabric to be cotton against their skin to let the skin breathe. Make sure you are first moisturizing the skin well with a lotion for dry skin before you go ahead with layering fabrics and turning them into a fuzzy roll of wool.

To all the parents out there who made it so far in this blog. I understand and appreciate you being concerned and wanting the best for your baby and you probably are doing great at it too. But also remember to take a breather. You are doing good and I am sure parenting has opened an entire new area of learning for you. It is important to acknowledge that like your baby you also deserve comfort and rest. Nothing is too complicated, especially not investing in the right products for your baby’s skin health. Now that you have read it all I am sure you can easily find the Best Baby Soap and lotion for dry skin for your little one. Enjoy the most of parenting while learning and cherishing at each and every stage of it.