(。・ω・)ノ゙ | Yuzuki★柚季's BLOG

Yuzuki★柚季's BLOG

just close your eyes and you’ll be here with me.just look to your heart and that’s where i’ll be.you’ll never be too far from me.it could be anywhere on earth.it could be anywhere i’ll be.if you want to see,just close your eyes.always by your side.

Yuzuki★柚季’s BLOG-U
read this book these days :]
just about body healthy and nutrition.
and really very useful (o^-')b
especially to female (笑) ( ´艸`)

so cold here (T_T)
maybe it will rain later ...||||
how about there , please take care :]
have a relaxation weekend ♪(*^ ・^)ノ⌒☆

P.S : this is not my dog :]
Yuzuki★柚季’s BLOG-U