Hey!! How are you going?

We just finished the Anatomy EXAM on Friday after 3 weeks of anatomy lecture.
How did it go?
I don't know, I think I passed. Let's hope so.

Basically over the last 3 weeks, we had had a anatomy lecture in the morning from 9-12am, and Anatomy lab after lab.

In anatomy lecture, we covered the basic anatomy throughout the body.
The lecture was awesome.
We learned the origin, insertion, nerve supply of the muscle as I did in Japan.
We also studied the course of main vessels(mainly arteries).
The most notable difference for me was course of the nerve.
Now, I studied where femoral, obturator, sciatic, musculocutaneous, radial...etc nerve run. Cutaneous and dermatome distribution as well.

That's awesome. I love it.

I know It's pretty important to know where these nerves run.
For example, if the patient comes to you with funny sensation on the thumb, you'll see... Oh, he must have problems with superficial branch of radial nerve, which is the branch off radial nerve over supinator muscle.
If he's got wrist extensor muscles's weakness and no problem with thumb sensation, Deep branch of radial nerve, which runs through supinator muscle could be the main problem or simply muscle damage.
If both sensation and muscle weakness are the presentation, radial nerve before it splits around supinator muscle ( whether in the arm, axilla or posterior cord of Brachial plexus) can be the problem.
I know that's not that simple in real clinical practice, is it Hidesan?
But invaluable I think.
It's kind of detective and physiotherapists need to have deep understanding of anatomy.

The lecturer was awesome even though he sometimes teases international students.haha!
I don't always understand your joke!!

In anatomy lab, we consolidated the knowledge we picked up from the morning lecture by using real cadaver.

It was so much fun and now I feel like I have deeper understanding of anatomy and I hope I really have!!

I just finished one third of CAPP program.

Next one third of the course is about Basic physiotherapy skills and Movement analysis.
Good level of language is required. I know it's gonna be hard, but Let's do it!

Thank you for reading!
I might not be able to keep doing these kind of blogs every time after the course but I will try or just remind me.

See you soon!!