Hey, how's your date being?

Today, I am gonna write down my expectation score of IELTS exams which I took this morning.

To be honest, i got exited after I finished speaking test.
This means that I could speak much better than the last one(5.5)
I hope I can get 7.0. But my guess is around 6.5.

Huh, difficult to guess. My target is 7.0 this time. But I guess 6.5.
5 of 40 were answered without any confidence.

This time it is a bit easier than the previous one or cambridge IELTS book.
So I hope I can get 7.5.

Task1 was a simple line graph.
Task2 was
「Some people say the success comes from handwork or destination. Others say money and personal appearance are more important. Give us your opinion」
I had no big troubles with Task 2 but, time management of Task 1 wasn't good.
So my guess is 6.0 for god sake.

Stay tune. They will let me know my results on 28th of Feb.
See you tomorrow!!