5 months have passed since I came here in Australia.
Let me show you a day in my life.

I get woken up by alarm clock at 7:30AM. Get out of my bed, stagger through the living room to get to the fridge and drink a cup of cold water.
It's kidding. Let me show you my typical day BRIEFLY.

I work 4~5 times a week from 12 to 3 PM and again 6 to 10PM.
On the way to workplace and home, on the bus, I try to listen to podcasts recorded by Ausie or British.
I take English private lessons 3times a week, and 50 minutes online lesson everyday.

Because all I have to do is to improve my English, I'm gonna tell you a bit of my way of learning English.

I always think about English or the way to boost my learning dramatically. To tell the truth, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, I consider the best way. I am obsessed with English.

When I listen to podcasts, what I've been doing recently is not only to understand their conversation, but to try to pick up how they are using these vocabularies or how to make sentence. Moreover TAKE STATISTICS of the way how each sentence is created. Ultimately,I try to use in my language. That's a big step for me, because until a couple of weeks ago, I couldn't do that or I didn't have the capacity of anything but trying to understand what they are talking about.
This is really gonna work I believe. Take statistics. Cool, isn't it?
Nobody taught me this way. I came up with this way suddenly when I thought much about the way of fostering my English level.

This year, I am gonna write about English basically because I reckon some people who wanna study abroad are looking for the better way of learning English.
From 2015, I am planning to write about the classes and exams which I will take in uni and much more of physio (difference between AUS and JPN in terms of education, and the articles or blogs that I will read) , and the life of students in Australia.
You can't wait? I can't!

Oh, I am gonna take the IELTS exam on 15th of February.I am gonna post my results on this blog. My target band this time is L:7.0 R: 7.5 W:6.5 S:6.5.
OMG, this target is what I set after the last exam. O.K. No big deal. Better than lower target.
I need more practice of IELTS!!

See you! Bye!