Hi, everyone. How's it going?
Do you know TED? A movie with teddy bear? Not that one.
TED is a big, well organized, and famous conference which bring many famous people together and they talk about the new ideas and insights that they wanna share. TED stands for Technology, Entertainment,Design.
Anyway, I love TED not only because I can learn English but also because they tell a powerful and helpful knowledge.
In Japan, this is known as a NHK program, スーパープレゼンテーション, 1100-1125 every Monday.
I highly recommend to watch.
If you visit here↓, you can see Japanese transcript, as well as English.

This TED-Talk below is one of my favorite talks.
Mark Bezos: A life lesson from a volunteer firefighter.

He is a volunteer firefighter.
One day, one lady's house caught fire. and he was asked to get a woman a pair of shoes. The another man who arrived just before him was asked to go to the building in flames and save this homeowner's dog. Mark was stunned with jealousy. A few weeks later, a volunteer company received a letter from that lady. It wrote that a man even helped take the shoes.
Mark Bezos concluded that "Not everyday has a chance to save someone's life, but everyday has a chance to affect one, save the shoes."

It's cool, isn't it?
I live this. Thank you.