1. 書き直した文を英語→日本語に訳す。

2. 分からない表現・単語は調べる。

I think that shoppers are inspired by advertising too much.

When I am doing online shopping, I see the picture first.

I often see advertisements on Instagram lately.

If they look nice, I’d buy them even if they are not cheap.

I think this is exactly what the advertising company is looking for.

Also, many people are too busy to do all the research by themselves.

So those people purchase things based on the advertising.

3. 自分で書いた内容と今日の内容の違いを3つ以上見つけて、比較して学んだ内容をまとめる。

4. Recently と latelyの違いを調べて、それぞれを使った例文を3つずつ作る。
