インフルエンザや風邪の予防や症状を緩和する テアニンによる免疫細胞の活性化 | 喜多重左衛門のブログ


喜多重左衛門 宇治茶師の末裔である12代喜多重左衛門が、実体験で培った知恵とお茶の論文から、実践に使える、有効物質を破壊しない、喫茶法をお伝えします。


When immune cells were cultured with theanine hydrolysate, the number of cells increased more than without it. An increase in immune cells has also been observed when theanine was ingested. This suggests that theanine metabolised in the body activates immune cells.


It has been suggested that intake of catechins and theanine can prevent or alleviate symptoms of influenza and colds. These may be due to the immune system being activated by the intake of catechins and theanine.



Catechin aggregates influenza virus

When green tea extract was added to a solution containing influenza virus and the details infected with the solution were cultured, plaque formation indicating that the virus was infected was suppressed depending on the concentration of catechin (EGCg) It was. Observation with an electron microscope revealed that the virus was aggregated in the system to which the green tea extract was added. It is thought that this prevents the virus from infecting cells.


1) Rowe, C. A., Nantz, M. P., Bukowski, J. F. and Percival, S. S.; Specific Formulation of Camellia sinensis Prevents Cold and Flu Symptoms and Enhances γδ T Cell Function: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study, J Am Coll Nutr 26(5),445-452 (2007)

2) M. Nakayama, K. Suzuki, M. Toda, S. Ohkubo, Y. Hara, T. Simamura; Inhibition of the infectivity of influenza virus by tea polyphenols, Antiviral Research (21),289-299 (1993)

3) J. F. Bukowski, C. T. Morita and M. B. Brenner; HumanγδT cells recognize alkylamines derived from microbes, edible plants, and tea: implications for innate immunity, Immunity 11(1),57-65 (1999)