
It's been two weeks since my last blog entry, and I'm very excited to share everything that has been happening here in beautiful Perth!

I have spent most of the last two weeks studying my wine school text books in preparation for the end of course exam.



My course is called the WSET examination, and compared to Japanese style courses, it is very practical and focused on tasting and describing the wines. 




I have now finished my exam and I am happy to have a break after all of my crazy study! In the time before the exam I was spending all day thinking about wine and what the exam will be asking me. 






I think the language barrier is very high so I used Japanese to study the information first and then the second time I translated the information to English to study again. This helped me better understand the wines but it did take a long time! 




I was so relieved after the exam, because I was looking forward to resting my brain and relaxing after thinking so much about wines every day. My mind was tired and even though I love wine, my brain needed a break. Thinking in Japanese and English all the time can be very tiring!

The results are taking a long time to come, and I think it is very different to Japan where the test results come out very fast. Australia is a bit different but I am ok to wait for the results and I will definitely share how I did with you all!





I will be going back to Japan in October to take the wine expert second exam, so now I need to end my break from studying and begin to taste and read more about wines again!

I am very excited to go back to Japan soon and see all of you again to share my experiences in beautiful Australia.