

Life is full of ups and downs. when i felt down, I felt as if i couldn't find the way to get better. But these days definitely raise me up and make me happy later. I'm sure I can get a lot of happiness and accomplishment.




It is the first time to interview with winery's producer and be TV recording since I came here. I had exactly the same situation as I was in Japan. But this time, I tried to write down my script by myself!



Of course I was worried about my poor English skills. But How can I say thank you for giving me such a great opportunity.



In some case, The language is completely like a blocked wall for me. But every time someone picks me up from this tight spot. I appreciate my directer's words today. She said [ Actually you still have a language problem. But it's not a big deal. I am afraid about if you lose your confidence and be ashamed to do it. You should be more natural and make a big smile in front of the camera. that would be great to the audience.]... ハート②




I can't rest on my laurels, But these words cheered me up and made me strong. I have a great chance and the amazing truth at hand. That's why I would really like to tell with the beautiful expression and the way of speaking.




I flounder through my days, But I am sure I am taking my step toward my dream.
I don't mind if you want to say something to me and I may take the long way round. No matter what happen, I would stick to my belief and go ahead.投げKISSBecause I know I will be there with the biggest happiness and gratitude.

私の初めての取材先は、西オーストラリア州のマーガレットリバーという大きなワイン産地に拠点を置くワイナリー「Fermoy estate」です。






Fermoy estateのワインは、果実味が溢れとっても上品でチャーミングなワインばかりで、私の大好きなワイナリーの一つです

My first work was a collection of Fermoy estate which has been located in Margaret river in Western Australia. As you can see on their label of the bottle, their wines are always elegant and beautiful. Besides, the building and the views around their winery are also amazing!!

In the Margaret river, they have many wonderful wineries. A lot of wineries are family-owned. But Fermoy is run by 3 owners. this is not common style.

The grapes grew up watching this amazing view and got a lot of nutrition from the blessed soil. and then the winemakers try to make a beautiful wine with big love.
Fermoy estate is absolutely my favourite winery because of their charming and elegant plates.




Actually my favorite one of their wines is Rose! I was so excited to talk about Rose with Fermoy estate Director Camerone!




It is very easy to guess the flavour from this lovely pink colour! Of course they have a sweet and sour taste like LOVE xx

It is one of the most beautiful season with Sakura in Japan right?!?!? This Rose is exactly nice matching with Sakura isn't it?!

I would really like to have Rose with some spicy foods like Chinese food or Thai food xx Absolutely yum!