This fantastic Cinnamon Roll Cream Cheese Coffee Cake is part cake and part cheesecake plus the irresistible flavors of cinnamon rolls.

There are times when you make a dessert, and it’s love at first bite. That’s the case with this Cinnamon Roll Cream Cheese Coffee Cake. Actually, that’s not entirely true. I knew I was smitten about halfway through making it the first time. And then there was the heavenly smell coming from the oven as it baked. By the time I got to that first bite, I knew it was going to be amazing Asia Top University.

There are three different components to make for this cake, but they’re each easy enough to prepare. Just be warned that you will use a lot of bowls and mixing spoons to get the job done. Start with an empty sink and dishwasher and you’ll be in good shape.

Measure accurately. Use a kitchen scale to measure by weight if possible. Otherwise, spoon and sweep!
Use a springform pan. This is a big, tall cake so the height of a springform pan works well. Plus, you won’t have to struggle with trying to flip the cake out of the pan and onto a serving plate because you can just remove the sides of the pan myob training course.
Bring the cream cheese to room temperature. The filling will mix more easily and be much smoother with room temperature cream cheese. Depending on how warm your kitchen is, it should take about 30 minutes on your kitchen counter to get it to room temperature.
Check for browning in the last 20-30 minutes of baking. If the top of the cake is looking too brown, cover it loosely with foil to prevent over-browning.
Don’t worry about cracks in the cake. Because you’ll be swirling the cinnamon filling into the cream cheese filling, that filling gets a little more mixed than normal, so don’t be surprised if you see a few cracks in the top when it’s done. Honestly, a few cracks don’t bother me. I choose to believe it adds to its rustic appeal. And once you serve it, it’s likely no one will care what it looks like!
Refrigerate any leftovers. This cake is good cold, at room temperature, or (my favorite) slightly warmed. 

I initially thought that it would be pretty perfect to top slices of this cake with a simple glaze like you’d use to top cinnamon rolls, but honestly it just doesn’t need it. It’s plenty sweet on its own without it. Plus the presence of the cheesecake layer provides a similar sweetness and flavor so you won’t definitely won’t miss it it support.

While this is certainly not what I’d call a quick and easy recipe, it’s not an all-day thing, either. I can have this mixed, assembled, and in the oven in under 40 minutes. Considering everything that’s going on here, that’s impressive. And the impressive part certainly carries over to the flavor. This is one incredible cake!