店主のちょっと独り言<46>新型コロナウイルスめ おまえたちは何人殺したら気が済むんだ!(英語) | 福島市南沢又のきくや洋品店



The owner's little soliloquy
New coronavirus. A god of death born in Wuhan, China. How many people do you kill? The human race will surely send you to hell without fail. Don't lick people.
Humanity has been forced to struggle before the new coronavirus rages, and many lives have been lost. This demon virus is tough. But we, humanity, will surely defeat you.
Just a little while ago, I learned of Kumiko Okae's death on tv news. Mrs. Okae was infected with the new coronavirus and died of pneumonia. In other words, she was killed by the new coronavirus.
Ken Shimura was also killed by this god of death. They were supposed to do a great job in the entertainment world, but they must have been disappointed.
Send every new coronavirus to Auschwitz. This creepy micro monster must be killed.
At the beginning, I would like to express my condolences to Kumiko Okae, Ken Shimura, and many people in the world who have been infected with the new coronavirus and died. And I would like to say to those who have died of regret.
"Humanity will surely win the new coronavirus. We will kill all this invisible devil. So please rest in peace in heaven."
In response to the onslaught of the new coronavirus, the only thing we need to do now is to send this evil, tiny devil to the other world. There is no other way to do that except to use a weapon called medicine.
Fortunately, human medicine has the ability to overcome this demon. Now I'll just believe in the power of medicine. And, let's praise man's wisdom and the dare fight spirit.
I think that the leader of the Chinese Communist Party should bear the full responsibility why this murder virus propagated to the human society, why the pandemic happened, and such a thing may be done after this pandemic ends.
Now is the time for people all over the world to unite their hearts and fight this new coronavirus. In a sense, this struggle is a great opportunity for humanity to be truly one mentally and physically.
In that sense, I have high expectations for the noble figure that the human race will show in the future. Not too far away, people of the world will sing triumphal songs, and ugly little viruses will be wiped out of the world.
At that time, the world will get unprecedented harmonization, and people will be able to clear up prejudice and struggle, spit out war, laugh with each other wholeheartedly, and value safety, security and trust more than anything else.
Reality is certainly tough. Now, the human race is inferior, and this small dirty killer virus is predominant.
But our medicine is not defeated. We will soon be able to get a great cure, a powerful vaccine.
The devastation of how fierce the world's healthcare workers, including Japan, are in the face of fierce battles is unimaginable. Outsiders can only give them ale, words of encouragement, financial help, and perform a performance of encouragement, but the general public can also help stave off a pandemic by working hard to act in self-defense.
What ordinary people should do in their daily lives is very simple. That's four below.
Always keep your hands clean.
Don't touch your face with your hands.
Always wear a mask.
Avoid contact with others.
In other words, make a decision not to invade your life scene with the new coronavirus, and put it into strict execution of what you have to do for that. This is the most powerful way to exterminate this dingy dwarf.
And, if such a self-defense effort of the general public succeeds, the pandemic can be made to come to an end, and the struggle of the pain that the medical worker cannot endure can be ended.
Humanity must use the following three weapons to combat the new coronavirus.
A heart that values a person's life.
A heart that wishes for peace.
With these three weapons, we can send a new coronavirus to Auschwitz in the near future.
I'll say without fear of misunderstanding. There is a life in this world that may be exterminated. It is a pathogen and a murder virus which drives the human race to death. The new coronavirus is one of them. I don't think there's any objection.
Anyway, this dingy murder virus! How many people do you kill?
Don't underestimate people! We'll send you all to hell!

