ヴィドール - 十年後の今日此処で 歌詞 | ★ アホみたいな恋バナ ☆

★ アホみたいな恋バナ ☆

※ 貧乏人けど幸せになれるよ ※

ヴィドール: 十年後の今日此処で

忘れず覚えていてね 十年後の今日此処で…
恵まれ過ぎた時代に 一つの闇が訪れた
あの苦悩さえ今思えば 幸せだった

夢だと思いたかった でも空は赤いままで
こんなときに気付くなんて 愛するものの尊さを
またきっと逢えるよね何度も 震える声で告げた

運命ならばまた逢えるから 泣かないで

人々が傷つけ合う 平和より私欲のため
戻れぬ絆 世界はもうすぐ終わりを告げる
でももし生きていられたら 約束覚えていてね

繋いでた手が離れて 僕は泣き崩れた

君の名前を何度も 何度も叫んだ

背中を叩く 君の暖かな手に
生まれてきた意味を 知った…

Jyuu nen go no kyou koko de - ten years later, today, here
Lyrics: Jui
Translation: キキ

Even if you have forgotten please try to remember
ten years later, today, here...
in the era where it was most blessed, a single darkness arrived
if i were to think about that agony now, i will feel fortunate

i want to dream but the sky has gone red
if you realise at this moment, the preciousness of loving someone
we will definitely meet again, many times
you told me in a shaking voice

"ten years later, today, here. lets meet again..."
if it is fate, we will meet again. so dont cry

for the sake of my self-interest rather than peace, everyone will get hurt
bonds that cannot return, i've been told the world will come to an end soon
however, if i've been allowed to live on, i'd remember the promise

"ten years later, today, here. lets meet again..."
separating from your hand that i held tightly, i collasped into tears

ten years from then
i called out your name countless, countless times

"it's been 10 years ya"
embracing your back, in the warmth of your hand
i found the meaning of my existence...