"[PDF READ ONLINE] The CONsultancy: One lawyer's struggle to navigate the maze of legal consultancy and how she escaped it


Legal Consultancy has become the buzzword for growth within the legal profession over the last decade with over four thousand five hundred lawyers were working in this way in the UK in 2022, Although the growth of consultants has been phenomenal, at what cost has this been to the health and mental wellbeing of lawyers? Is consultancy really delivering the greater flexibility and rewards promised or are these benefits an illusion? Kezia Abrahams worked as a consultant lawyer for eight years under one of the largest disrupter firms in the UK. In this book, she examines the reality of consultancy and unpacks the myths surrounding it. Blisteringly honest, she outlines the many problems associated with consultancy and why it is not working for residential conveyancers in particular. Is consultancy a con? This is one of the questions which Abrahams explores. She shows in devastating detail why she believes that the super-firms are conning their investors, lawyers and even themselves in 