生徒さんの作文です!Dodge ball tournament for sons and moms


There was (過去)dodge ball tournament at elementary school for sons and moms tonight. Ryota and I have been--->had been(過去の過去=過去完了) there last year.
I used to play soft ball when I was middle school student, so I'm goot at throwing ball.
It was really fun tonight.I was able to talk with moms. I was very happy.
Ryota asked me that can he go to eat ice cream with his friends --->Ryota asked me if he can go to eat ice cream with his friends while I took some pictures for 5th grade Japanese friends. Noah's mom took Ryota to go to ice cream shop with his friends. Ryota looked happy and said it was really fun. He has many good experiences in the US.
I appropriate--->appreciate for his friends and their moms.

appreciate は「人以外」の目的語をとる
(人 + doing なら OK)
〇I appreciate your help.
✕I appreciate you.

appreciate は通常 for を伴わない
✕I appreciate for your help.
✕I appreciate for your time.




お薦めアルクのchat diaryです👇



・I appreciate your thoughtful letter. : お気遣いのお手紙、大変ありがたく存じます。
・I really appreciate your kindness. : ご親切にどうもありがとうございます。
・I appreciate you telling me that. : そう言っていただいて感謝しております。
・I greatly appreciate the advice you gave me. : アドバイスを頂き、本当に感謝しております。
・We sincerely appreciate your cooperation. : ご協力に心から感謝致します。
・Any feedback would be appreciated. : どのようなフィードバックでも歓迎します。