英検3級 面接 二次試験 







英検3級  面接で聞かれる質問

No. 1  パッセージについての質問
No. 2  イラストについての質問
No. 3  イラストについての質問
No. 4  受験者自身の意見を問う質問  
No. 5  受験者自身の意見を問う質問

(1)  質問をよ~く聞こう  

Could you say that again please? 
Could you repeat the question?

(2)  答えは文章で言います
How many children are there 

in the park? 
✕ Three. 
〇 There are three children.

(3) 現在形は  

現在  +  過去  +  未来  

=  習慣・いつものこと
Do you walk to school ? 

Yes, I do. I walk to school every day.
Did you take the bus to school yesterday?  

No, I didn’t. I walked to school yesterday.

No. 1  パッセージについての質問
Why … ? に答える  

No. 1  Please look at the passage. 

□Why are some gardens nice places 

to visit during the rainy season?
Because they look very beautiful.
□Why is pizza eaten by many 

people around the world? 
Because it is delicious.
□Why do some people travel by bus?  
Because some people  are very busy.
Because they are very busy.

☞ Because + SV  

なぜならば・どうしてかというと… .

No. 2  イラストについての質問
Where …. ? に答える       

場所の前置詞(1) on, in, at …. 

No.2  Please look at the picture.

□Where  is the clock?
It is on the wall.   

平らな物の上に / 場所の上に
on the floor床の上に /on the carpet

 /on the door /on the chair 

/on the sofa/on the plate皿の上に 

/on the table/ on the desk 
□Where are the books?
They are in a box.   

in his pocket  

/in her wallet 彼女の財布の中に

/in the car /in the boat 
/in the bagバッグの中に

/ in the classroom
□Where  is the dog?
It is at the door. 

at the bus stop /at the table 

/at the piano / at home

/at work /at school
/at the entrance 入口に

/ at his desk 

No. 2  イラストについての質問
Where …. ? に答える       


❒  The girl  is standing in front of the door.               

❒  Ken put the box behind the book shelf .                

❒  The books are under the table.                            

❒  I want to sit next to Kate.                                    

❒  Hanako stood beside Taro.                                   

❒  My school is between a park and a library.           


Where is the box?

It's behind the curtains.  

It’s in front of the desk.
It’s between the cabinet and the drawer.

It’s next to the piano. 

It’s under the table.

No. 2  イラストについての質問
How many …. ?  に答える

No.2  Please look at the picture.
□How many people are wearing hats? 
There are two people wearing hats.

Two people are wearing hats.

□How many people are sitting on the bench?
Three people are sitting on the bench.

There are five people sitting on the bench.
Many people are sitting on the bench. 

There is no one sitting on the bench.

□How many dogs are there in the living room? 

There is one dog in the living room.

There are no dogs there.

□How many pictures are there on the wall ? 
Two pictures are on the wall.  

There are three pictures on the wall.
There is one picture on the wall.

No. 3  イラストについての質問
What …. ? に答える  

No. 3  Please look at the picture.
□What is she/he going to do?  

☞ She/He is going to + 動詞原形(未来)
She is going to buy a sandwich.

He is going to wash his car.
They are going to go running.

They are going to play golf.

□What are they doing? 

☞ They are + 動詞ing(現在進行形)
They are playing cards.
They are doing their homework.
They are playing baseball.

□What is she/he doing? 

☞ She/He is  + 動詞ing(現在進行形)
She is looking for her dog. 

She is playing cards.
He is doing the dishes. 

He is cleaning the kitchen.
It is chasing the ball. 

It is sleeping on the sofa. 



