清少納言 枕草子 英語版 

'The Pillow Book' (2)




清少納言 枕草子のブログの英訳の続き。


In summer the nights. 
Not only when the moon shines, 
but on dark nights too, 
as the fireflies flit to and fro, 
and even when it rains, 
how beautiful it is! ( Ivan Morris 1971)
In summer, the night — moonlit nights, 
of course, but also at the dark of the moon, 
it’s beautiful when fireflies are dancing 
everywhere in a mazy flight. 
And it’s delightful too to see just one 
or two fly through the darkness, 
glowing softly. 
Rain falling on a summer night is also 
lovely. (Meredith McKinney 2006)
In summer, it is the night. 
It is of course delightful 
when the moon is out, 
but no less so on dark nights 
when countless fireflies can be seen 
mingling in flight. 
One even feels charmed when just one 
or two pass by, giving off a gentle glow. 
Rainy nights, too, are delightful.
(Mark Jewel 2006)

In autumn the evenings, 
when the glittering sun sinks close to 
the edge of the hills and the crows fly back 
to their nests in threes or fours and twos; 
more charming still is a file of wild geese, 
like specks in the distant sky. 
When the sun has set, one’s heart is 
moved by the sound of the wind and 
the hum of insects.( Ivan Morris 1971)
In autumn, the evening — the blazing sun 
has sunk very close to the mountain rim, 
and now even the crows, in threes and fours 
or twos and threes, hurrying to their roost, 
are a moving sight. 
Still more enchanting is the sight of a string 
of wild geese in the distant sky, very tiny. 
And oh how inexpressible, 
when the sun has sunk, 
to hear in the growing darkness the wind, 
and the song of autumn insects. 
(Meredith McKinney 2006)
In autumn, it is the evening. 
As the setting sun draws closer to 
the mountains, 
the crows hastily fly back to their nests 
in threes and fours and twos. 
Even more delightful is the sight of 
a line of geese flying far overhead. 
Then, after the sun has set, 
the crying of insects and the sound of 
the wind have a charm that goes 
without saying.(Mark Jewel 2006)

In winter the early mornings. 
It is beautiful indeed when snow has fallen 
during the night, but splendid too when the 
ground is white with frost; or even when 
there is no snow or frost, 
but it is simply very cold and the attendants 
hurry from room to room stirring up the fires 
and bringing charcoal, how well this fits the 
season’s mood! But as noon approaches 
and the cold weather wears off, 
no one bothers to keep the braziers alight, 
and soon nothing remains but piles of 
white ash.” ( Ivan Morris 1971)
In winter, the early morning 
— if snow is falling, 
of course, it’s unutterably delightful, 
but it’s perfect too if there’s a 
pure white frost, 
or even just when it’s very cold, 
and they hasten to build up the fires 
in the braziers and carry in fresh charcoal. 
But it’s unpleasant, as the day draws on and 
the air grows warmer, 
how the brazier fire dies down to white ash.
 (Meredith McKinney 2006)
In winter, it is the early morning. 
Of course it is delightful 
when snow is falling, 
but even when there is a pure-white frost 
-or in the freezing cold without 
either snow or frost 
- the way the fire is hurriedly stirred up 
and coals carried to all the rooms seems 
most suited to the season. 
As the day wears on and the cold gradually 
loses its bite, the braziers go untended and 
the coals become disagreeably coated with 
white ash.( Mark Jewel 2006)