
At my previous Kris Kringle from last week to this week, We had something fluffy and something cute~   From those Kris Kringles I've got Ian for something fluffy and Angelica for something cute. I bought Ian a fluffy purse (purse for men that is, since he is a boy *chuckles* ) and a fan, well not the one that looks like this of course : http://www.google.com.ph/imgres?hl=en&sa=X&tbo=d&biw=1280&bih=675&tbm=isch&tbnid=Bic9N7RfYR_vUM:&imgrefurl=http://www.dlsud.edu.ph/offices/museo/inquiries.htm&docid=1Mts-DGT691jfM&imgurl=http://www.dlsud.edu.ph/offices/museo/images/inside/pamaypay.jpg&w=482&h=285&ei=suHBULvWHO6aiAeHp4DACg&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=206&sig=118149078215995377617&page=1&tbnh=140&tbnw=227&start=0&ndsp=26&ved=1t:429,r:6,s:0,i:99&tx=85&ty=64

Since this kind is too common here so I bought the more modern one. I cant find a picture of it though.  I honestly had trouble looking for a gift for him since he is a boy.  I was very glad when he liked it, he told me that he need a purse to put his coins in his pocket and liked the fan very much~ 

And for something cute I bought a notebook with a very lovely and colorful cover, the cover sort of reminds me of spring and it really looks wonderful.  When I saw Angelica's reaction I was very happy to see that she likes it very much 

I myself loved the gifts that was given to me, anyway, I like everything that is given to me anyway, hihi. (≡ ^ ∇ ^ ≡) I've got chocolate (something long and purple, the wrapper of the chocolate is purple) , a bunny stuffed toy (something fluffy), and a lovely figurine (something cute). I forgot what I got for something green though .. (¯ □ ¯ ;)!!