Good Evening~ 

Last week our class did a Kris Kringle, and the majority of my classmates decided to gift "something green" since the official color of my section is green. And I got Jil as someone I'm going to give a gift. I then chose to give her a cute green sanitizer, plus it smells very lovely~  
Too bad I didn't take a picture of it, anyway I didn't really have plans on posting it here but since my blog seemed very empty to me I had to post a few about my school life, hehe.  I wrapped it with a green gift wrapper and hopefully it looked pleasant. When I brought it to school, my seatmate told me it looked cute so I was relieved since I'm not quite great at wrapping presents ..  

This week, we had another Kris Kringle, and ah, in my country we call Kris Kringle as "Monito Monita"~  This time I got Nicole, so when I went back to my chair my seatmates started asking me who I got, but I can't tell them since Nicole happened to be my seatmate and she was the seatmate I told earlier that said that my wrapping looked cute.  I then decided to give them a clue that she had long hair .. :))

I guess this is all I could type write now since it is very late now as I type this post of mine, maybe I'll try to post more of the previous happenings of my school ..

Good night~