Crisis | ケビン・クローンオフィシャルブログ「ここが変だよ!! 日本人」powered by アメブロ


President Trump could really be in trouble this time with Muller weighing in. Change agents are always unwelcomed by the Swamp = the Deep State = the vested interests. If you remember what took place 8years ago in Japan with then Minshuto DPJ taking over the government from the ruling LDP for the first time in 15years, their slogan, manifesto was pretty much what now president Trump is saying. And, of course, 
Nothing was accomplished.  
Yes, it was the Tsunami and the nuclear incident that put the nail in the coffin, but most of the damage was already done by the Tsunami of bureaucracy. They wrecked Minshuto into pieces before the earthquakes. ムラ-氏が捜査に加わることにより、トランプ政権は今までにない最大の危機を迎えることになります。かつて、政権交代した民主党が霞ヶ関の抵抗によって手を縛られて何もできなかったようにトランプ政権も役人と既得権益、さらにメディアによって潰されかけています。