Lambda | ケビン・クローンオフィシャルブログ「ここが変だよ!! 日本人」powered by アメブロ


There is a significant difference between human intelligence and AI.
The two things AI is not capable of achieving are 1. Diversity in its inheritance. and 2. Forming a society based on its Diversity. 
In a nutshel AI is linear. And AI will not be able evolve in the way we did.

I will elaborate this idea in my new script entitled "Lambda" which hopefully makes it the small screens in the near future. 

人工知能と人間知能の大きな違いは1. 多様性の具有 と 2. 社会の形成を人工知能は達成できないという2点です。人工知能はどこまで行っても線形なので、われわれのような進化の仕方はできません。
