経済学の行動理論から外れていた日本 | ケビン・クローンオフィシャルブログ「ここが変だよ!! 日本人」powered by アメブロ



Long before Block Chain was invented, the Japanese already had a similar credit system called "Hyoban" that involved everyone within its economic society.


As Japanese would call it "Ears on the wall, eyes everywhere", people were constantly watched over and rumoured by everyone else. For centuries and even now the most valuable asset to anyone in Japan is "Hyoban".

Some academics would bring on  the contrast between Japan's shame culture vs. Western sin culture to this notion, but shame culture is a fundamental protocol that can be found in other animals and it's a basic common culture to any civilization. However the Japanese were among the first to utilize shame culture into economic activities.

Just as feudal samurai would cut their gut out to protect his Hyoban, most Japanese in modern Japan would do everything to build and protect and promote this valuable asset.

The downfall is that this system would occasionally be skewed to and weighed on evaluating individual personalities that probably had nothing to do with his or her real financial credit.

People in Japan choose to give someone tasks and money just because he or she likes the person's personalities.