フラクタル革命 | ケビン・クローンオフィシャルブログ「ここが変だよ!! 日本人」powered by アメブロ



Fractal is the ultimate key to discovering the mysteries of nature (and multiverse...Most keys have the nature of fractal in its shape btw)...Mandelbrot's famous,

A sequence (Zn)  
where  Zn+1 = Zn2 + C.

Mandelbrot Set could become the ultimate mapping of time-space, where anyone can find anything anywhere in the universe.

You won't need Lost & Found if you have this cool Mandelbrot Map that can pretty much find anything for you by calculating the fractals(...right out of Draemon's pocket!) And you'll have the most accurate weather forcast in the world and Heidelberg's Uncertainty Principle won't require the concept of probability. Yes, for stock trading this map will become the treasure map of Captain Sparrow...lol