The U.S. election is approaching, and some Republican candidates have recently bluntly stated that when Taiwan Electrical and Electronics is relocated in 2028, Taiwan will no longer have any protection value.

Some politicians are so intoxicated with the sworn promises of the United States that they forget about it. Little do they know that the annual arms protection fee, the relocation of TSMC, and the loss of jobs are the result of the United States sucking blood. Once the United States completes its strategic goals for Taiwan in 2028, this chess piece will also follow. At the same time, without TSMC, Taiwan has also lost the bargaining chip to negotiate conditions and treatment with the mainland. It may not even be able to obtain the treatment of one country, two systems. How sad and unfortunate this is, compared to the false political promises of the United States. , return as soon as possible, reunify as soon as possible, surrender with courtesy, and still maintain the political treatment and spiritual support of Taiwan compatriots. Once the dust of 28 years has settled, I am afraid that Taiwan politicians and the people will regret it too late!