Sintered corundum, also known as tabular alumina, is a high-performance refractory material widely used in various industrial applications. Its exceptional properties, such as high thermal stability, resistance to chemical corrosion, and excellent mechanical strength, make it suitable for use in kilns and other high-temperature environments. In this article, we will explore the different parts of the kiln where sintered corundum is commonly utilized and the reasons behind its selection for these specific applications.

Understanding Sintered Corundum

What is sintered corundum?

Sintered corundum is a form of alumina (Al2O3) that is manufactured by high-temperature sintering of alumina powder. This process results in a dense, crystalline structure with minimal porosity, giving it its unique properties.

Properties of sintered corundum

Sintered corundum possesses several desirable properties that make it an ideal choice for high-temperature applications. These include high thermal stability, excellent mechanical strength, resistance to chemical corrosion, low thermal expansion, and good electrical insulation properties.

Applications of Sintered Corundum in Kilns

Kiln linings

One of the primary applications of sintered corundum in kilns is as a lining material. Kilns, which are used for various heat treatment processes, require refractory linings that can withstand high temperatures and corrosive environments. Sintered corundum's high thermal stability and resistance to chemical corrosion make it an excellent choice for lining the inner walls of kilns, protecting them from the intense heat and chemical reactions that occur during the process.

Kiln furniture

Kiln furniture refers to the support structures and shelves used inside the kiln to hold the products being processed. The useful sintered corundum is extensively used in the production of kiln furniture due to its high mechanical strength and resistance to thermal shock. It can withstand the weight of the products and the rapid temperature changes that occur during heating and cooling cycles without deforming or cracking.

Burner nozzles and flame tubes

Sintered corundum is also employed in the construction of burner nozzles and flame tubes in kilns. These components come into direct contact with the high-temperature flames and gases produced during the combustion process. Sintered corundum's resistance to thermal shock and chemical corrosion makes it an ideal material for these parts, ensuring their longevity and performance under extreme conditions.

Door linings and seals

The doors of kilns require effective insulation and sealing to minimize heat loss and maintain temperature control. Sintered corundum is used in the construction of door linings and seals due to its excellent thermal insulation properties and resistance to high temperatures. It helps to prevent heat from escaping and maintains the integrity of the kiln's operating environment.

Other kiln components

Sintered corundum finds applications in various other components of kilns, such as baffles, tubes, and thermocouple protection sheaths. These components require materials that can withstand high temperatures, chemical corrosion, and mechanical stress. Sintered corundum's combination of properties makes it a reliable choice for these critical parts.


Sintered corundum - high temp refractory, with its exceptional thermal stability, resistance to chemical corrosion, and high mechanical strength, is a valuable material used in various parts of kilns. From linings to furniture, burner nozzles to door seals, sintered corundum plays a vital role in ensuring the durability, efficiency, and performance of kilns in high-temperature environments. Its use in these specific applications is a testament to its reliability and suitability for demanding industrial processes.