Writing Training to TOEFL test! -2ページ目

Writing Training to TOEFL test!



Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Modern technology is creating a single world culture. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

I definitely disagree with the statement that modern technology is creating a single world culture. Some say that brand-new technology provides us with a lot of way to enjoy our favorite things such as listening to music or watching movies wherever we are while others prefer to share much information on the web. In my opinion, manipulating modern technology makes it possible for us to connect many different people due to the following two reasons.

To use modern technology leads us to share our information and have relations with people who we have never met. In other words, such technology can offer networks to become acquainted with a lot of people like Face book, My space, and so on. For example, using Twitter is capable of sharing my information to someone who happened to look at my tweets. There are many opportunities to not only allow my friends on the web to know my daily incidents but also have contact with famous artists. Now that the networking service is too indispensable, I'm nervous when I cannot access it. Although it is a fact that modern technology contribute to create a single world which individuals doesn't have difficulties alone, it goes without saying that such network provides people in the world with connection to the world. This typically implies that modern technology can create a multiple world culture.

Another reason is that advancement of technology allows us to communicate to people who live in distant places. For instance, Skype whose service makes us call our friends face-to-face is more effective for me to convey something to my friends who live in foreign countries than a letter. Such service is always available for me to exchange our daily information, looking facial expression each other. It is certain that the technology is more efficient for us to tell something than the obsolete ways. This clearly shows that modern technology helps us to connect to others through a plenty of services.

Hence I disagree with the statement that modern technology is creating a single world culture. The modern technology can make us not only have contact with a variety of people in the world but also communicate to whoever we want; therefore such advancement does not offer a single world, but multiple world. Without doubt or hesitation, it is convenient for us to use the technology.








Do you agree with the following statement? Children should begin learning a foreign language as soon as they start school. Use specific reasons and examples to support your position.

I definitely disagree with the statement that children should begin learning a foreign language as soon as they start school. Some say that children are required to learn several languages to succeed in the world in the future while others prioritize their abilities of mother tongue. In my opinion, attending foreign language classes is not as important as the other classes due to the following two reasons.

To increase opportunities to learn a foreign language as early as possible does not lead children to learn mother tongue. In other words, such classes deprive them of chances to acquire their own language's skills. For example, in Japan, there is an apprehension that students have trouble using Japanese if the government allows elementary schools to start an English course in first-grade students’ classes. It is certain that children have to prioritize to express their emotions by Japanese than English. It also goes without saying that foundations of their communication by Japanese should be developed as soon as possible. Even though learning a foreign language becomes more important in the global situations, students had better study their mother tongue at first. This typically implies that children must improve the language of their own countries than a foreign language.

Another reason is that a person doesn't have to learn a foreign language as long as he lives in his country only. Actually, to migrate to other countries is not a common choice. Besides, in general, there are rare chances to speak languages of other countries, living in their own countries; therefore children should concentrate on other subjects. Mathematics can improve their logical thinking skills. Moreover science is full of wonder for students. Although a foreign language class allows them to come into contact with different cultures, at the same time, such classes oblige schools to decrease time for other classes. It cannot be said that it is effective for them to attend a foreign language class to succeed in their own countries.

Hence I disagree with the statement that children should begin learning a foreign language as soon as they start school. No matter how beneficial a foreign language class is, children should prioritize to improve their mother tongue. It is more important for them to acquire a foreign language skill after they are good at speaking their own language.






Do you agree with the following statement? Children should begin learning a foreign language as soon as they start school. Use specific reasons and examples to support your position.

I definitely disagree with the statement that children should begin learning a foreign language as soon as they start school. Some say that children are required to obtain several languages to succeed in the world in the future while others prioritize their abilities of mother tongue. In my opinion, attending foreign language classes is not as important as the other classes due to the following two reasons.

To increase opportunities to learn a foreign language as soon as possible leads children not to growth of mother tongue's ability. In other words, such classes deprive them of chances to acquire their own language's skills. For example, in Japan, there is an apprehension that students have trouble using Japanese if the government allows elementary schools to start a English course in first-year students classes. It is certain that children have to prioritize to express their emotions by Japanese than English. It also goes without saying that foundations of their communication by Japanese should be developed as soon as possible. Even though learning a foreign language becomes more important in the global situations, students had better study their mother tongue at first. This typically implies that children must improve their countries language than a foreign language.

Another reason is that a person doesn't have to learn a foreign language as long as he lives in his country only. Actually, to migrate to other countries is not a common choice. Besides, in general, there are rarely chances to speak other countries language, living in their own countries; therefore children should concentrate on the other subjects. Mathematics can improve their logical thinking skills. Moreover science is full of wonder for students. Although a foreign language class let them come into contact with different cultures, at the same time, such classes oblige schools to decrease the other class time. It cannot be said that it is effective for them to attend a foreign language class to succeed in their own countries.

Hence I disagree with the statement that children should begin learning a foreign language as soon as they start school. No matter how profitable a foreign language class is, children should prioritize to improve their mother tongue's abilities. It is more important for them to acquire a foreign language skill after they are good at speaking their own language.







