Teaching my children English myself is a beautiful and rewarding journey, offering unique advantages beyond just language acquisition. While there are certainly benefits to formal instruction, my unique bond with my children and understanding of their individual learning styles can create a nurturing and personalized learning environment.

Immerse my children in the English language through bedtime stories in my own voice, bring characters and vocabulary to life with warmth and familiarity. I find the joy of shared laughter during English-language games, fostering positive associations with learning and creating lasting memories. I become their guide, not just in the language, but in understanding the cultural nuances and expressions woven into its fabric.

Furthermore, being fluent in English myself allows me to tailor the learning experience to my children's needs and interests. I can seamlessly integrate English into daily activities, like singing English songs while cooking or reading English picture books together. This creates a natural and organic approach to language acquisition, leveraging their existing knowledge and curiosity.

But the benefits extend beyond language skills. Teaching English myself strengthens my bond with my children, fostering trust and creating a safe space for exploration and mistakes. By patiently guiding them, I become their cheerleader, celebrating their progress and boosting their confidence in both English and their native language.