
  • 学習能力の向上: 集中力や記憶力、問題解決能力が向上することで、学習意欲が高まり、学力も向上します。
  • 人間関係の改善: 自分の感情をコントロールし、他人の気持ちを理解することができるようになることで、友達との良好な関係を築きやすくなります。
  • 問題行動の減少: 衝動的な行動を抑制することができるようになることで、問題行動が減少します。

Prefrontal Cortex Development:

  • Rapid growth: Between ages 6 and 12, the PFC undergoes a "growth spurt," with connections between neurons increasing drastically. This enhances its ability to process information, plan, and regulate impulses.
  • Key functions: The PFC plays a crucial role in:
    • Executive function: Managing tasks, planning, organizing, and prioritizing.
    • Emotional regulation: Controlling emotions, delaying gratification, and managing stress.
    • Decision-making: Weighing options, considering consequences, and making responsible choices.

Impact on Self-Control:

  • Increased ability to delay gratification: Children become better at waiting for desired rewards, demonstrating improved impulse control.
  • Developing emotional regulation: They learn to manage anger, frustration, and excitement more effectively, leading to fewer emotional outbursts.
  • Improved rule-following: They understand rules better and show greater ability to conform to them, both at home and school.
  • Emerging problem-solving: They begin to approach challenges logically and systematically, instead of relying solely on emotions.
  • Enhanced decision-making: They start to consider consequences before acting, demonstrating more responsibility and foresight.