

What are the main characteristics of a Noh play?




Noh is Japan's oldest stage art performed exclusively by men. It is characterized by elaborate masks and symbolic and highly stylized performances. The main elements are recitative chants called utai, dance called shimai, and musical accompaniment called hayashi.


exclusively ーのみ、独占的に

is characterized 特徴付けられる

elaborate masks 精巧な面

highly stylized performances 高度に様式化された演技

recitative chants 語り

musical accompaniment 音楽の伴奏




Could you tell me what kyogen is like?




Kyogen is a traditional comedy of Japan. It is the interludes of a long Noh drama that bring light relief to the audience. In contrast to Noh, it is characterized by great emphasis on humor, many dialogues, and little use of masks. Every kyogen actor skillfully uses sensu, a folding fan, which represents daggers, c, spears, or plates.


interlude 幕間(まくあい)

bring light relief ほっとする、和らげる

In contrast to Noh 能とは反対に

great emphasis on 強調する

dialogue 対話

a folding fan 扇子

represent みたてる、代表する

dagger 短剣

saw ノコギリ

spear やり