Day7  2023/11/19





A Japanese room might be likened to an inkwash painting, the paper-paneled shoji being the expanse where the ink is thinnest and the alcove where it is darkest. Whenever I see the alcove of a tastefully built Japanese room, I marvel at our comprehension of the secrets of shadows, our sensitive use of shadow and light. For the beauty of the alcove is not the work of some clever device. An empty space is marked off with plain wood and plain walls, so that the light drawn into it forms dim shadows within emptiness. There is nothing more.





A Japanese room might be likened to an inkwash painting




be likened to


an ink-wash painting, an indian ink painting, a japanese ink painting, a black-and-white drawing





the paper-paneled shoji being the expanse where the ink is thinnest,


paper-paneled shoji, shoji screen, paper sliding door







and the alcove where it is darkest.






Whenever I see the alcove of a tastefully built Japanese room, I marvel at






marvel at




our comprehension of the secrets of shadows,






our sensitive use of shadow and light.







For the beauty of the alcove is not the work of some clever device.









An empty space is marked off with plain wood and plain walls, 


is marked off



そこへ引き入れられた光線が (生むようにする→形作る)

so that the light drawn into it forms


drawn into it(space)






dim shadows within emptiness.








There is nothing more.






A Japanese room might be likened to an inkwash paintingthe paper-paneled shoji being the expanse where the ink is thinnest and the alcove where it is darkest. Whenever I see the alcove of a tastefully built Japanese room, I marvel at our comprehension of the secrets of shadows, our sensitive use of shadow and light. For the beauty of the alcove is not the work of some clever device. An empty space is marked off with plain wood and plain walls, so that the light drawn into it forms dim shadows within emptiness. There is nothing more.



Day8  2023/12/17



I may be alone in thinking so, but to me, it seems that nothing quite so becomes the Japanese skin as the costumes of the No Theater. Of course, many are gaudy in the extreme, richly woven of gold and silver. But the No actor, unlike the Kabuki performer, wears no white powder. Whenever I attend the No, I am impressed by the fact that on no other occasion is the beauty of the Japanese complexion set off to such advantage - the brownish skin with a flush of red that is so uniquely Japanese, the face like old ivory-tinged with yellow. 





I may be alone 


in thinking so,


but to me, it seems that 


nothing quite so becomes


 the Japanese skin as the costumes of the No Theater. 


Of course, many are gaudy in the extreme, 




richly woven of gold and silver.




 But the No actor, unlike the Kabuki performer, 


wears no white powder. 


Whenever I attend the No,




 I am impressed by the fact that 


*be impressed by


on no other occasion is 


the beauty of the Japanese complexion set off to such advantage 


*complexion 表情
*set off 引き立たせる

- the brownish skin with a flush of red 


a flush of red 


that is so uniquely Japanese, 




the face like old ivory-tinged with yellow. 







DAY9  2024/1/14





The female puppets consist only of a head and a pair of hands. The body, legs, and feet are concealed within a long kimono, and the operators need only work their hands within the costume to suggest movements.


consist of -から構成される
conceal 隠す


The female puppets consist only of a head and a pair of hands. 



The body, legs, and feet are concealed within a long kimono, 



and the operators need only work their hands within the costume to suggest movements.



The female puppets consist only of a head and a pair of hands. The body, legs, and feet are concealed within a long kimono, and the operators need only work their hands within the costume to suggest movements.




To me, this is the very epitome of reality,  for a woman of the past did indeed exist only from the collar up and the sleeves out; the rest of her remained hidden in darkness. A woman of the middle or upper ranks of society seldom left her house, and when she did, she shielded herself from the gaze of the public in the dark recesses of her palanquin. 
 Most of her life was spent in the twilight of a single house, her body shrouded day and night in the gloom, her face the only sign of her existence. 


epitome 典型、縮図
collar 襟
remained 残された
hidden 隠された
seldom 滅多にない
gaze 見つめる
recess 床の間 へこみ
palanquin 駕籠(かご)
shroud 包む
in the gloom 暗がり


To me, this is the very epitome of reality,  



for a woman of the past did indeed exist only from the collar up and the sleeves out; 



the rest of her remained hidden in darkness. 



A woman of the middle or upper ranks of society 



seldom left her house, and when she did, she shielded herself from the gaze of the public in the dark recesses of her palanquin. 


 Most of her life was spent in the twilight of a single house,



 her body shrouded day and night in the gloom, 



her face the only sign of her existence. 



To me, this is the very epitome of reality,  for a woman of the past did indeed exist only from the collar up and the sleeves out; the rest of her remained hidden in darkness. A woman of the middle or upper ranks of society seldom left her house, and when she did, she shielded herself from the gaze of the public in the dark recesses of her palanquin. 
 Most of her life was spent in the twilight of a single house, her body shrouded day and night in the gloom, her face the only sign of her existence. 





Though the men dressed somewhat more carefully than they do today, the women dressed more somberly. Daughters and wives of the merchant class wore astonishingly severe dresses. Their closing was, in effect, no more than a part of the darkness, the tradition between darkness and face. 


Though ーだが、
somberly 重苦しく
astonishingly おどろいたことに。
in effect 事実上

no more than ーにすぎない


Though the men dressed somewhat more carefully 



than they do today, 



the women dressed more somberly. 



Daughters and wives of the merchant class 



wore astonishingly severe dresses. 



Their closing was, in effect, no more than a part of the darkness, 


the tradition between darkness and face. 

闇と顔のつながりに すぎなかったからである。



Though the men dressed somewhat more carefully than they do today, the women dressed more somberly. Daughters and wives of the merchant class wore astonishingly severe dresses. Their closing was, in effect, no more than a part of the darkness, the tradition between darkness and face. 














One thinks of the practice of blackening the teeth. Might it not have been an attempt to push everything except the face into the dark? Today this ideal of beauty has quite disappeared from everyday life, and one must go to an ancient Kyoto teahouse, such as Sumiya in Shimabarra, to find traces of it.


practice 習慣
 blacken 黒くする
attempt  試み
Might  ーかもしれない
traces  追跡する

But when I think back to my own youth in the old downtown section of Tokyo, and I see my mother at work on her sewing in the dim light from the garden, I think I can imagine a little what the old Japanese woman was like. In those days - it was around 1890 - the Tokyo townsman still lived in the dusky house, and my mother,  my aunts,  my relatives, and most women of their age still blackened their teeth.  I do not remember what they wore for every day, but when they went out, it was often in a grey kimono with a small, modest pattern.


think back to 思いかえす
youth わかもの
sewing 裁縫
in the dim light 薄暗い光で
in those days 当時
dusky 薄暗い
relatives 親戚
modest  控えめな




The female puppets consist only of a head and a pair of hands. The body, legs, and feet are concealed within a long kimono, and the operators need only work their hands within the costume to suggest movements.


To me, this is the very epitome of reality,  for a woman of the past did indeed exist only from the collar up and the sleeves out; the rest of her remained hidden in darkness. A woman of the middle or upper ranks of society seldom left her house, and when she did, she shielded herself from the gaze of the public in the dark recesses of her palanquin. 
 Most of her life was spent in the twilight of a single house, her body shrouded day and night in the gloom, her face the only sign of her existence. 

Though the men dressed somewhat more carefully than they do today, the women dressed more somberly. Daughters and wives of the merchant class wore astonishingly severe dresses. Their closing was, in effect, no more than a part of the darkness, the tradition between darkness and face. 

One thinks of the practice of blackening the teeth. Might it not have been an attempt to push everything except the face into the dark? Today this ideal of beauty has quite disappeared from everyday life, and one must go to an ancient Kyoto teahouse, such as Sumiya in Shimabarra, to find traces of it.

But when I think back to my own youth in the old downtown section of Tokyo, and I see my mother at work on her sewing in the dim light from the garden, I think I can imagine a little what the old Japanese woman was like. In those days - it was around 1890 - the Tokyo townsman still lived in the dusky house, and my mother,  my aunts,  my relatives, and most women of their age still blackened their teeth.  I do not remember what they wore for every day, but when they went out, it was often in a grey kimono with a small, modest pattern.