
I live in a suburb of Sacramento.  Just a few minutes of driving from my house,



you will see open grasslands, cattle ranches, and rice fields.



There are plenty of wild animals which calls these land home.



Wild turkeys, oyotes, racoons, skunks, California quails, pheasants,



and occasionally, deer can be seen.



The rice paddies in California are so much bigger that they scatter seeds from biplanes.



And it provides resting place for millions of migratory birds every winter.




I make Native American drums, rattles, and ritual sticks.



I incorporate bird feathers and other accessories to my creations.



Natives believe that each animal possesses unique medicine(gifts)



and wearing or adding feathers and hides we receive animal's powers



and medicine.



Every time I perform ceremony and prayers to the land, I use my Journey Stick.


red tail hawk(アカオノスリ)  great horned owl(アメリカワシミミズク)の羽根が

I made it using a drift wood and attached a tail feather of red tailed hawk and a wing feather of great horned owl.



It is believed by the Natives that the red tail represents the sun and the day while the great horned owl represents the moon and the night.



Combining the two powerful medicines help us become whole, balancing the musculine and feminine,



creating the perfect circle.

Journey Stick


英語で、道端に死んでいる動物のことをroad killという。

In English, a dead animal by the road is called 'road kill'.


このフクロウの羽根は、road killから頂戴したものなのだ。

The feather I used for my Journey stick was from the road kill.



My spirit animal (spirit that guide/protect us on a journey) is the owl, and the owls have special space in my heart.


道路脇に死んでいるフクロウを見かけると 家に持ち帰って

Whenever I see a dead owl on the road, I bring it home and 


儀式をして 庭のセコイアの木の下に埋めている。

perform a ceremony and bury under a redwood tree.


私は鳥族の出身で(前世でアマゾンのBird Peopleと呼ばれる

An intuitive friend once told me that I was once lived in the Amazon in a tribe called Bird People.



That explains why I am partial to the birds of all kinds.



I keep plastic bags and rubber gloves in my car in case I see some dead birds.



"Did I see a dead bird?" I ask, and my kids groan and beg me not to stop the car for collection.



"Please don't stop the car!"  Unfortunately, I have seen it. So I have to get it



even though I have to make a U turn.  Somebody got to honor and respect the dead, right?



Well, I guess I am not the only weirdo around here.  There are some like minded people working for my hubby.



and I sometimes receive gifts from them.



Last year, I got a coyote hit by a car....


うーむ これはありがたく頂戴し、儀式をして

Hmmmmm, I received it gladly, performed ceremony and 



buried in our backyard (good thing we have plenty of land for all the dead animals).  


頭蓋骨を取り出しましょうよ。。。。 えっ?

She suggested to dig up in a year to check out its skull.... maybe not.


数ヶ月前には ガラガラヘビが。

A few months ago another person gifted me with a dead rattle snake.



She lives in a foothills and the snakes often sneak into her garbage bin.



She found one and killed it with a spade, and brought it to work in a zip lock bag.



It even had a head sort of attached.



I did a ceremony in the snake's honor, quickly watched Youtube to learn how to peel skin.



I always ask permission to the animals if I could keep parts of their body.

I also use these parts only for the spiritual practices and shares with others who respect and understand Native American shamanism.



Someday I will use the snake skin to decorate Talking Stick or other tools.