If you imagined about something kinky, too bad.
It is not about that kind of story. lol
It is about my several 'first' that I have experienced
since last fall. The activities that I had never dreamed of doing, or didn't think it's possible,
or didn't even want to try until now.
まず一番目は 「台所に30分以上立つこと」
First experience of this kind was to 'stay in the kictchen longer than 30 min. at a time.'
その体験を提供してくれたのが 友人でビジネスウーマンのF子さん。
This opportunity was given by a friend of mine, Ms. F.
Her workload had increased and she was looking for a home helper.
I took the job and its tasks were to go to asian grocery stores and
meal preparation.
実はこの「下ごしらえ」というものが 全くよくわからないでいたのです。
I had no clue what she meant by this 'meal preparation'.
そもそも そんなことやったことがない。。。
I have never done that before...
Poor Ms. F, because I couldn't get on with the tasks right away, and she
began teaching how to prep meals.
お料理がとっても大好きで上手な彼女は 料理研究家並みの腕前で、
Ms. F loves to cook and she is a Japanese version of Rachal Rae,
she spends hours in the kitchen to whip up amazing dishes.
Her staff members asked her to allocate more household chores
so that she can spend more time for her business.
Reluctantly, she agreed and thus hired me as a part-time help.
毎週の献立をくれて それに合わせて下味付けとか野菜を切っておくとか
Ms. F gives me a menu for the week, and I will marinate meat, slice and chop
make huge batch of soup and freeze for later, etc.
I have learned to plan ahead and prepare ingredients ahead of time.
My second new experience was working as a seasonal sales associate at a mall.
From November to January, I worked at an athletic clothing store and jeans store.
To be honest, I dispise Christmas season because of the materialistic overload,
gift exchange you are expected to participate even though I don't want to buy stuff
for others nor do I want to receive stuff I don't need.
My favorite holiday is Thanksgiving but I usually dread the Christmas season.
Naturally, I wouldn't dare to come close to the mall in December.
I used to call the mall 'Dark Side' but I have become a sales person who
will entice people to spend gazillion bucks.
The majority of my co-workers are in early 20s and I was by far the oldest.
I hardly paid much attention on how I dressed before and now I was expected to give
advices on coordinating, layering, and product educations.
My co-worker gals were god send, and taught me so much about fashion and looks.
Now I am more conscious about what to wear. My co-workers are so energetic, and I
forgot how active and full of energy when I was their age.
They reminded me to be more spontaneous and just enjoy the moment.
Being in that setting was very exciting.
Greeting thousands of people, speaking and engaging customers
were hard at first, but eventually, I felt comfortable doing it even though
拒絶されても 無視されても 不愉快な顔をされても サラッと流せることができるようになったこと。
people rejected, ignored me or gave me annoyed face. I got thicker skin.
幾つになっても 初体験っていいわ〜。 今まで知らなかったこと、怖いと思っていたことが
Regardless of your age, trying something new can be exhilarating.
It was pleasantly surprising to find what I thought was scary or I didn't know very
fun and interesting.
今年も色々と初体験 していこう
My new year's resolution is to add more 'firsts' on my to do list.