Why don't you go to the gym? | ただの会社員がNYに留学してみた1年間の記録




I haven't updated this journal for a long time.

I know writing is better way to improve my skill. Nevertheless I haven't been doing it well.

From now, I am going to resume this and change my attitude.

Well, I am going to show how the gym in NY is with introducing particular one.

I started to go to a certain gym a few months ago.
I've been into that since I started.


The name is Blink Fitness.

Their atmosphere of interior is like these pictures.



They have a lot of machines which you can make your body stronger.




For abdominal, pectoral and so on.

They have sufficient equipment which is for all parts of body (from neck to ankle).
Therefore, people using this gym are mostly muscular guys.

Honestly, I am scared a little bit, cause they totally look "Dump truck".

I really like the gym culture in NYC.

Whereas Everything is higher price than Japan and everywhere is dirtier than Japan, these are not true only for the gym.

Look at this.
The tidiness of this bathroom is quite unusual.

In addition, I want to focus on fee.
Incredibly, it costs only $25 per a month (including permission which you can go any Blink locations).