Baseball Game– Rakuten Eagles vs. Yomiuri Giants!!!

On 17 June, the JET charity group – Eyes for Fukushima, held an event for the children from children’s home. As this event was funded fully by Eyes for Fukushima, the staffs and children from the children’s home were not burdened with any money issues. On the day, we met up at 9:30 in front of the station and took the bus to Miyagi Kleenex Stadium for a showdown between the Rakuten Eagles and the Yomiuri Giants. There were about 15 people from the children’s home including staffs and 15 JET participants. We were all very excited since this was the first time going to a professional baseball game in Japan for most of us.



Upon arrival, we got ourselves seats at the outer field and as it was close to lunch time, a few of the JET participants went to buy lunch with the children; many of whom also picked up some Eagles gears to show support for the team.

Rakuten Eagles took an early 2-0 lead in the first inning. Although the Giants got a point in the 3rd inning, the Eagles never looked back and won the game 2-1.


As this was my first time going to a professional baseball game in Japan, I was surprised by a few things afterwards. First, if I were to watch a baseball game back home sitting at outer field seats, I would not be able to see the players clearly. However, as the size of the stadium was not the size as I expected which meant I was able to see the players clearly. Another interesting fact is that during the 7th inning, the fans for the home team would start chanting for the team and blow up red balloons to cheer for the home team. If the home team wins the game then the fans would blow up white balloons as a sign of victory.


By the end of the day although many of us were tired, it was an unforgettable trip. Not only were we able to build rapport and bond with each other, but also we got a glance of what professional baseball in Japan was like. One of the representatives from Eyes for Fukushima told me that they hope to do more charity events in hope to bring back life to Fukushima and will continue to support the kids.


super super hot cheerleaders!