たまには簡単な英語の日記 | エノキ部屋~アジアで働く(予定)のアラサーのblog~



Nowadays, almost every morning get up at 8:30.

First, wash my face, I went to a 100yenLawson convenience store to Buy breakfast.Generally, corn flakes or bread.

5 days a week cleaning the room is from 11:00 until 14:00.
Cleaning is boring (laughs)
But, i can clean with a foreigner.Will practice conversation in English.

However, since teaming with other men will only remember the bad word.
For example, "fuck in English bastard"What is a mean bastard cunt?

So, since yesterday, I began to study English using the iPod. Do my best! !
However, in this life so fun! ! Many good guy.

Children should not be seen. ↓ (laughs)

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