ラジオ英会話 ~(17)2024/4/24(水)空所ハンドリング WH疑問文

Key Sentence

What do you have there?


Emily: Cindy, are you okay?  

Cindy: I think I'm a little carsick.  

Emily: Here, try this.  

Cindy: What do you have there?  

Emily: It's medicine for motion sickness. Drink it with some water.  

Cindy: Thank you, Emily. You're very kind. 

Emily: No problem. So, did you complete the survey form?

    What did you choose as your favorite place on the tour? 

Cindy: I chose the restaurant where we had lunch. The food was delicious.  

Emily: I chose Mitsumune Shrine. I want to see it again.  

Cindy: I couldn't agree more. Oh, this medicine is great. I feel better already.  

Emily: That's good to hear.  

Grammar and Vocabulary

  Are you okay?   大丈夫ですか? 



 I chose the restaurant where we had lunch.


The Restaurantで何が起こったのかをWhere以下で説明している。

Typical Expressions 

Who dose she like? 彼女は誰が好きなのですか? 


When can you start? あなたはいつ始めるの? 


Where do you work? あなたはどこで働いているの? 

Grammar in Action



Who did you speak to? Do you remember their names? 



Where do you work out? I'm looking for a new gym. 


3,あなたのシャツにはなんてかいているの? 私はその漢字が読めません。 

What does your shirt say? I can't read the kanji. 

私日記 ~来週からオーストラリアに行ってきます~

I'm going to travel in Australia on May from 6th to 10th. I can't speak English like a native speaker, but I think I will understand what strangers say.In addition ,I'm looking forward to go there and I will meet my friend who became friend in Philippines.
