Today is the 31th of December, it means New Year's Eve.


This is my second time spending New Year's Eve overseas. I am not going to do anything special today, libraries in Dublin are closed on Sunday and I bought a pair of boots yesterday, so I will go for a walk for an hour.


Tomorrow, I leave Dublin at 6:40pm and fly to Oslo via Stockholm. I transit the plane in Oslo and head for Tromso which is the most  northern part of Norway. I am staying there for 3 nights and participating in the Northern lights chasing tours. If I am lucky, I can see them and they must be breathtaking. I don't have any specific dream but watching the Northen lights is one of my few dreams. After Tromso, I'm going to stay in Oslo(the 5th of Jan)  and Copenhagen(the 6th of Jan)  for one day each , finally I will go back to Dublin on 7th at evening.


There are 54 countries in Europe and my favourite countries are Scandinavia countries such as Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland. These countries are very famous for high tax rate but they supply free and high quality of education, generous social welfare.I reckon Japan should learn from these nordic countries.

Japan's consumption rate is 8 per cent now, it's going up to 10 percent by October, 2019. I think this is too late to support Japan's high-aging society because according to the statistic in 2015, Japan's total population is about 127 million and persentage of the population aged 65 and over is 26.7 percent(Percentage of the elderly), the number of people aged 65 and over is about 33 million. This is the highest rate in the world and the percentage will definitely increase in the future. In my opinion, the Japanese goverment should use money for education, spend money for support mothers who want to work after giving a baby. Children are future and hope for our country, politicians should consider policies in the long run.