ラジオ英会話 ~(239)2024/3/28(木)発言タイプ:さようなら


大西泰斗/Akino Roza/David Evans



Key Sentence 

Thank you both for taking good care of me. See you around.

Dialogue  異星人ゼイトクスとマサミのやりとり
M: Zaytox, where are you going?

Z: I have to go home now, Masami.

M: Why? You just joined our shogi club.

Z: It has been fun, but it’s time to go. They know I’m here.

M: Oh, no. Sota is out of town on a trip.

Z: That’s too bad. I wanted to say goodbye to him.

M: We will never forget you, Zaytox.

Z: Thank you both for taking good care of me. See you around.

M: Take care, Zaytox.

Z: You too, Masami.

Grammar and Vocabulary
1) homeのイメージ  心安らぐ・家族とともに過ごす場所
I have to go home now. (もう私は帰らなければなりません


2) 英語は相手の解釈に任せずしっかり言語化する言葉
Thank you both for taking good care of me. (2人とも私の面倒をよく見てくれてありがとう


Typical Expressions  さよならの前にひと言添える
Thank you both for taking good care of me. See you around. (2人とも私の面倒をよく見てくれてありがとう。さようなら

See you. (さようなら

See you later. 

Take care.

Take care of yourself.

Good bye.




From the bottom of my heart, thank you for everything. See you later. (本当に何もかもありがとうございました。それでは


It's been an honor and a pleasure to work with you. Take care.



Typical Expressions in Action
1) Words cannot express how thankful I am for everything you’ve done. See you around.


2) I look forward to the day we can meet again. See you later.


3) It won’t be the same around here without you. Take care.(この辺りは変わってしまうでしょう→つまらなくなってしまう