ラジオ英会話 ~(238)2024/3/27(水)感謝:ありがとう


大西泰斗/Akino Roza/David Evans



Key Sentence 
Thank you for coming to see me.


Dialogue スタイン博士を見舞いに行ったジーニーとフランキー
J: Dr. Stein, we came as soon as we could.

S: Oh, Jeannie! And Frankie! Thank you for coming to see me.

J: How are you feeling, Doctor?

S: Much better, thanks. I fell down and broke something, I guess.(転んでどこかの骨を折ってしまいました。どうやら

J: It was lucky Frankie was home. He told me he called the ambulance right away.

S: I’m very grateful for that.(Thank you より一歩引いた言い方

J: Doctor, these flowers are for you.

S: Oh, they’re beautiful. Please, sit down.

J: It’s OK. We can’t stay long. We’ll be back tomorrow.


*ambulance: 救急車

*grateful: ありがたく思う


Grammar and Vocabulary
1) Much better, thanks. (はるかにいいですよ。ありがとう


2) We can’t stay long. (私たちは長くはいられません/longは副詞、配置から判断する




Typical Expressions 感謝の表現
Thank you for coming to see me. (会いに来てくれてありがとう。)

Thank you so much.   (ありがとうバージョン


Thanks a lot.  

Thanks a million. 

I can’t thank you enough. 


I’m very grateful for that. (そのことを私はとても感謝しています
I appreciate that. (感謝バージョン

I appreciate it. 

I appreciate your offer. 

I appreciate your help. 
Much appreciated. (とても感謝します


I’d really appreciate it. (そうしてくれれば本当にありがたいのですが

I would really appreciate it.




Typical Expressions in Action
1) Thank you for letting me stay here. All the hotels in town were fully booked.


2) I appreciate that. Your kindness really helped me feel welcome here.


3) I’d really appreciate it if you came with me. I’d feel a lot more confident with you there.(そこにあなたがいるなら