英会話タイムトライアル 3月DAY18 2024/3/27(水)SPR-robics

Special week

Steve Soresi /Jenny Skidmore




1) What's wrong?


2) Nothing's wrong.


3) You look irritated.


4) I am irritated.


5) So, what's wrong?


6) I can't read this.


7) What is it?


8) They are instructions.


9) Instructions for what?

10) I'm not sure.


11) What does it say?


12) The writing is too small.


13) Why don't you wear your glasses?


14) I can't find my glasses.

15) They're on your head.


16) Oh, thanks.


17) They're old instructions.


18) They're for an old chair.


19) You already threw it away.


20) I did throw that chair away.(確かに

21) Do you need these instructions?

22) I don't need them.


23) And you don't need to be irritated.(あと、いらいらする必要はないよね


24) You're right.


25) Have a seat.


26) Okay. I will.


27) Do you feel better?


28) I feel better.