ラジオ英会話 ~(237)2024/3/26(火)情報の切り分け

大西泰斗/Akino Roza/David Evans



Key Sentence

As far as I know, there are no aliens here.

Dialogue ゼイトクスクを捜しに来たダウンズ博士とラーメン店のキャロリン
C: いらしゃいませ!

D: Hi, is this the vegan ramen shop?

C: Yes, it’s one of them. I like to think it’s the best.

D: Oh, do you run this place?

C: Yes, I do. Would you like to see the menu?

D: A little later. May I ask you a strange question first?

C: Sure.

D: You haven’t seen an alien come in here, have you?

C: An alien? As far as I know, there are no aliens here.

D: Silly question, right?

C: Mm hmm.(ええまあ

Grammar and Vocabulary
1) Do you run this place? (あなたはこの店を経営しているのですか?

2) ちょこっと疑問
Silly question, right? (ばかげた質問ですよね?



Typical Expressions 情報の切り分け
As far as I know, there are no aliens here. (私の知りかぎり、ここに異星人はいません



To the best of my knowledge, ~ (私の知るかぎり、~
As I understand it, ~ (私の理解しているところでは、~


Personally, ~ (個人的には、~
From my standpoint, ~ (私の見地からすれば、~
I can’t speak for everyone, but I ~ (誰もがそうとは言えませんが、私は~


According to ~, (~によると
As he mentioned before, ~ (以前彼が言及したように、~
As we all know, ~ (皆さんご存じのように、~
Like I said, ~ (前に申し上げたように、~
Research says that ~ (研究によると、~


I just overheard that ~ (小耳にはさんだだけですが、~
Rumor has it that ~  (うわさでは~

It is rumored that ~
Word on the street is that ~ (ちまたのうわさでは~



Typical Expressions in Action
1) As far as I know, this is the last copy of this book left in the whole world.


2) Personally, I’d rather have time off than go on a company vacation. But that’s just me.(でも自分だけの意見ですよ

3) According to this article. drinking wine may have some health benefits.(多少の健康効果があるかもしれません