英会話タイムトライアル 2月DAY15 2023/3/22(金)対話カラオケ Across the Globe!(最終回)

世界横断/Asia/the Philipines

Steve Soresi /Nilina Boban

It's the final stop on our journery across the globe!



Imagine this:

We are walking around Manila. It's a hot day in the Philippines. 

Let's get a cold dessert. 

Do you know that famous Filipino cold dessert? 

Let's enjoy that cold dessert and a fast food restaurant in the Philippines.


N: It's hot today. Let's get something cold. 


S: Good idea. I'm getting thirsty.


N: There's a fast food restaurant over there. Shall we go?


S: Sure. Let's go.


N: Let's get that Filipino dessert. Whatchamacallit? With shaved ice and syrup.

Oh, what was the name of that Filipino dessert?


S: Ice and syrup and it's a dessert... Oh, halohalo! 


N: Halohalo! I'll order. Actually, that kind of dessert in Singapore is called ice kachang. And in Hawaii it's called shaved ice. In Japan it's... is こおりかき?


S: Oh, かきごおり. Yeah, in most parts of the U.S, It's called a snow cone.


N: Kakigori! Did you have kakigori often when you were a kid?


S: Yeah, I used to have it in a beach in Japan, called しゅんぱつはま. They had the best matcha かきごおり in Japan. 


N: Here's our halohalo. Would you like to sit inside or outside?


S: Inside. It's much cooler.


N: Okay, let's try it. Mmm, it's so so good. Mmm, how do you like halohalo?


S: It's wonderful. All the ingredients taste so good together.