ラジオ英会話 ~(235)2024/3/22(金)今週のリビュー

大西泰斗/Akino Roza/David Evans



Listening Challenge


What does Akira mean when he says, "It's great to be here"?


a) He's happy to be back on Earth.

b) He's wanted to visit the TV station.

c) He's happy to be on the show.




What did Yoshi tell Barbara before?


a) His name.

b) How to use the machine.

c) His age.




Which of the following is true?


a) This is the man's first visit to Matsuyama.

b) The woman thinks Soseki is well known and famous.

c) The man did something rude toward the woman.




What will Frankie and Jeannie do?


a) Jeannie will go to a flower shop, and Frankie will go to the hospital.

b) Frankie will go to a garden, and Jeannie will go to the hospital.

c) They both will go to a flower shop and then to the hospital.



Say It in English


Hey, look at my new jacket!


― Um...no offense, but it doesn't suit you so well. Let me choose another one for you as your birthday present. Everyone says I have a good taste in clothes.





Hi, what's up?


― It's hard to tell you this, but I'm quitting. It's not that I have complaints about this job. I just want to go to grad school and study business seriously.


graduate school:大学院