ラジオ英会話 ~(228)2024/3/13(水)ながれ:相手の意見を尋ねる

ゆぅほーUnidentified おおにし・・

大西泰斗/Akino Roza/David Evans



Key Sentence

What is your view on UFOs?

Dialogue ケリーのトークショー、 ゲストは天文学者ダウンズ博士です
K: And we’re back. Today’s guest is astronomer Dr. Neil Downs. Welcome to the show.(さあ、続けていきましょう

D: Oh, thank you for having me, Kelly.

K: Dr. Downs, let’s get straight to it. What is your view on UFOs? Are they real?

D: Well, as you know, UFO means “unidentified flying object.” It simply means they are unidentified.

K: Right, but are they visitors from other planets? How do you see it?

D: We have no evidence of that.

K: But personally, what do you think?

D: Kelly, I really don’t know.


*astronomer: 天文学者  

*get straight to it: すぐに本題に入る



Grammar and Vocabulary

Personally, what do you think? (個人的にはどう思いますか?


I really don’t know. (私は本当に知りません



Typical Expressions 相手の意見を尋ねる
What is your view on UFOs? (UFOについて、あなたの見解はどのようなものですか?


What do you think? (どう思う?

What’s your take?
Don’t you think so?(そう思いませんか?

Don’t you think? 


How do you see it? (あなたはそれをどう考えますか?


This apartment is too small for me. What do you think? (このアパートは私には狭すぎます。どう思いますか?



Typical Expressions in Action
That guy looks just like Onishi-sensei. Don’t you think so?


To me, living close to downtown makes sense. How do you see it?(繁華街のすぐ近くに住むのは理に適う


I think I look good in this outfit. What do you think?(この服装が似合うと思います