ラジオ英会話 ~(226)2024/3/11(月)話題転換1


大西泰斗/Akino Roza/David Evans



Key Sentence

While we are on the subject of Zaytox, we have found something unusual. ゼイトクスの話のついでに言うと、私たちは奇妙なことに気づきました


Dialogue 異星人ゼイトックスが逃げ出した研究所でダウンズ博士とメーガンの話
M: Dr. Downs, how long has it been since Zaytox escaped from here?

D: It’s been about a year, I think.

M: You have no clue where he is?

D: Nothing concrete. But, while we are on the subject of Zaytox, we have found something unusual.

M: Something unusual?

D: Yes. Are you familiar with online gaming?

M: A little.

D: There’s a shogi player logging in from Japan who is beating everyone in the world.

M: So what?

D: The player’s avatar is “Vegan 1.” Or maybe it’s “Vegan 1.”

M: Ha! It might be Zaytox. He could be in Japan!(彼は日本にいるのかも


*concrete: 具体的な  

*familiar with : ~をよく知っている

Grammar and Vocabulary
1) We have found something unusual. (私たちは妙なことに気づきました

2) There’s a shogi player logging in from Japan who is beating everyone in the world.  (世界のすべての人を倒している、日本からログインしている将棋プレーヤーがいます



Typical Expressions  話題転換1
While we are on the subject of Zaytox, we have found something unusual.

Come to think of it, ~ (そういえば、~  
Speaking of food, ~ (食べ物で言えば、~

That reminds me. (それで思い出しました

That song brings to mind my childhood. (あの歌は私の子供時代を思い出させてくれます

That song takes me back to my childhood.

That song reminds me of my childhood.



Typical Expressions in Action
1) While we’re on the subject of borrowing things, can I have my hoodie back? It’s my favorite one.


2) Speaking of food, I’m starving. Anyone else wants to grab a bite?


3) That reminds me. I brought your souvenir from my trip.


*hoodie: パーカー

*grab a bite: 軽く食べに行く, さっと食事をすます